The existing factors of cosmological nature (“galaxy seasonal prevalence”, comet-asteroid hazard, solar activity), geophysical nature (vulcan's activity, magnetic field drift, etc.) and antropotechnogenic nature (increase of CO2 concentration, freons, etc.) can have a determining influence on the state of the planet climate. It can cause the large variations of mean temperature, the rise in pressure differential dynamics and other abnormal phenomena, which will have unfavourable effect upon the existence conditions of human civilization.
The modern level of knowledge allows:
- to provide the complete monitoring of all the factors that influence on the climate of the planet;
- to form an adequate physical and mathematical model for a long term forecasting (0,1-100 years) of the changes of the planet climatic parameters;
- to form the global system of “acupunctural” (without the breach of the energetic balance of the planet) management of the basic climatic parameters (example, management of the spatia-time progress dynamics of atmospheric pressure, etc.).
1. There exists an adjusted international network of hydrometeorological stations intended for the fixation, collection and presentation of the present climatic parameters.
2. It is suggested to form on the base of neurosemantical paradigm the system of the global climate forecasting and for creating the computer model of causal-related dynamics of the climatic parameters and long-term forecasts.
The available operating systems need the super large computing resources but they neither provide with the model presentation and the necessary accuracy of the long-term forecasting nor they have automated means for adaptation in terms of quickly changeable parameters, i.e. they are conservative as refer to the modification of the computer model and change of the data collection procedure.
The system of the global climate forecasting proposed for development is conceptually free of the above mentioned drawbacks. To form the system model of the global climate forecasting there are highly educated and trained teams of scientists headed by ICS RAS and MIPT, an access to the extensive hydrometeorological information, on the base of neurosemantical structure there is an operating prototype of the large-scaled information system with the elements of artificial intelligence. To begin the large-scaled works on the global forecasting and the planet climate management it’s necessary to launch the proposed program under the leadership of the UN together with the above mentioned teams.
At present the losses (the expenditures of insurance companies and other socioeconomic structures) for the reconstruction activity because of the inefficiency of the long-term forecast are evaluated in thousands of billions dollars. The possibility not only to forecast but also to manage will make the spatial-time climatic pattern more favourable and give an opportunity to raise the productivity of different bioproducts of 100-200%, as well as to form comfortable climatic conditions for the vital activity of tens of billions people.
3. For the global system of “acupunctural” management of the basic climatic parameters the corresponding devices and their physical and mathematical model have been developed. These devices are in the stage of taking out a patent. Some thousand such devices both marine and ground will allow to manage the spatial-time distribution of the temperature and precipitation, accumulation process of the excessive solar energy as well as alleviation of beat radiation of the planet, bioproductivity of oceans, the improvement of the atmospheric composition of megalopolises, stabilization and improvement of the ecology of the atmosphere and oceans of the planet, etc.).
Whatever fantastic our proposals on the realization of the program can seen but the history of scientific and technological progress shows that the concepts based on the integral scientific outlook and supported by the engineering analysis always open the way sooner or later. Our experience and modelling results indicate to the prospects in the proposed activity and their technological implementation nowadays.
We propose under the leadership of the UN to combine efforts for the adoption and spreading the program of the global forecasting and management of the planet climate.
With respect to all interested social parties,
Vladimir Bodyakin Director of project “Informograd”
Institute of Control Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences
65 Profsoyuznaya St., 117806 Moscow GSP-4, Russia