The neuro-linguistic form of representation

Information on neuro-like elements


Vladimir Bodyakin,

SU-117806, Moscow, Russia, Profsoyuznaya 65.

Institute of Control Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences

Tel.: (7-095)-334-92-39 (work)

The specific weight of the information sphere in economy today is constantly increasing practically in all countries. The main problem of information economy, its "hot point", is the process of automated processing of information. The neuro-network methods with their "generic" abilities of self-organizing are among first candidates for solving this problem.

The neurolinguistic form of representation of information (NFRI) on the base of the hierarchical-network structure of data developed by the author is a model of large-scale associative storing and processing environment. Briefly, the core of NFRI is automatic splitting of a flow of information ("text") from a subject area (SA) to semantic units ("syllable", "word", "phrase" etc.) comprising a built in structure. The experiments with NFRI allowed us to generate the idea of "ideal information system" (IIS).

We shall name the information system ideal, if with unlimited flow of arbitrary information from a particular SA the growth rate of its physical resources, required for normal work (for example, the simplest mode - "record of information flow followed by its exact reproduction"), tends to 0 (zero).

For "narrow" SA it is possible already now to indicate the examples of such IIS, but attempts of their SA extensions to include man is a challenging task. The report shows that information systems, build around NFRI, satisfy the IIS requirements.

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