I N F O R M O G R A D -
the way to conflict-free society
Vladimir Bodyakin,
SU-117806, Moscow, Russia, Profsoyuznaya 65.
Institute of Control Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences
Tel./Fax: (7-095)-334-92-39 (work)
On way of humanity growth its overcomes three disputed main of situations:
- struggle with physical external world (permanent from of defenses);
- struggle in with social world with self similar to ones;
- struggle with self (the search of "self" and approach consciousness of sense life).
With culture growth of humanity of accent the main of was struggle replaced, from mounting for of struggle "piece of the bread", to "search sense of life". Interesting, that in the individual history of person he passes these three phases, but with of accent of problems current of humanity.
First, than with struggle of physical external of for world right of has existence of humanity confronted. The struggle went with success variable. Further, knowledge of, without humanity fear dir from hungry death or of element, become has look to tomorrow in. But intoxicate successes it could stay not of on reasonable feature of vital resources of its environmental worlds, realizing even of all the destruction of actions of become has predatory destroy to.
Availability vital resources of "at neighbor" opportunity of reception to them by self of results force in barbarian wars defined today to "day s of existing of division of world". The only occurrence global self-abase weapon stopped has of process of mass obvious murder, hide it in depth, to "struggle of foods under table".
To extreme problem of ecology, total output all vital resources /€/, a
nd second, - constant intensity and conflict on level of countries and its company, also the economic wars and local military conflicts /‚/, - it, with than we have come to today's day. But it is quite the natural way of development humanity. The material world by virtue of the physicallimitation early or is late, but always finds out the limits (even if realize all installed ~ 1054 atoms).
Only for information space, in which humanity leaves by means of the consciousness, borders it is not known. Transform the vector of the activity from is rigid metric of space ("space - time", "substance - energy" /the analogue of coordinates X, Y/) in area of information space (knowledge /Z/), humanity can decide the problems /A, B/ and to mount further on way the evolution.
Informograd - as the model self-developing of socio economic structure, main purpose of which is the development of Information-intellectual resource (IIR), presents the variant further non-conflict of development humanity (without /A, B/). In basis of idea Informograd the union "of person and machines", lies that allows to person real to see environmental its world and your self role.
Further, main part of report describes the process of evolution neurolinguistic of model of intellectual-information system (Machine); the intelligent working place of researcher and examples of work (Person + Machine); then, model of economy, constructed on the basis of development IIR; the model of social mutual relations in; also the program of realization of total project "Informograd".
After raising the target function of evolution humanity "from plane" /X, Y/ in area of information space /Z/, for today's disputed situations even remains not of location in new, borning large moral to culture of Person.